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Access to and use of the website www.businesslistingnow.com and Business Listing Now, is provided by following Terms. Please read through this page carefully. If you do not agree to these Terms, you should not obtain information, services or products from this site. Business Listing Now reserves the right to review and modify any of the Terms of Use at any time. This page should be reviewed periodically so that you are updated on any changes. Business Listing Now welcomes your comments and feedback.


The information on this web site is provided in good faith and Business Listing Now believes it to be accurate. However, if you wish to obtain services from Business Listing Now, you should not rely solely on the information in this web site but should make specific enquiry concerning the nature of the services and their suitability for the use to which they will be put. Unless stated otherwise, all information on this web site is supplied without any warranty, condition or other term as to the quality of any services or their suitability for any particular purpose.Business Listing Now is not liable to you or anyone else for any loss of income, profit, business contracts or goodwill or any indirect or financial loss suffered whether arising in contract, negligence or otherwise arising in connection with use of this web site. To the extent permitted by law, Business Listing Now's liability for breach of any implied warranty or condition which cannot be excluded is limited to the supply of the services again or the payment of the cost of having services supplied again.You indemnify Business Listing Now, its affiliates, employees, agents, contributors, third party content providers and licensors from and against all actions, suits, claims, demands, liabilities, costs, expenses, loss and damage (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis) incurred or suffered by you or by us as a direct or indirect consequence of your accessing, using or transacting on this site or your attempts to do so and any breach by you or your agents of these Terms. Any pricing or any information displayed in on this web site may not be current, please contact the business to confirm that the pricing is current.


This web site is the copyright property of Business Listing Now. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, you may not, in any form or by any means:

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  • commercialise any information, products or services obtained from any part of this web site, without the written permission of Business Listing Now.

Web Site content & materials

The information and materials contained in this web site (including these terms and conditions) are subject to change without notice. We may discontinue or make changes to the content of this site and the network at any time. Any dated information included in this site is current at the date of publication only, and we will not have any obligation or responsibility to update or amend such information.

Advertiser Content

  • Advertiser is responsible for uploading and maintaining any and all relevant material (Advertiser Material) for use on the Website, in accordance with any requirements of businesslistingnow.com including as to deadlines and delivery formats
  • Businesslistingnow.com takes no responsibility for any of the Advertiser Material.
  • Businesslistingnow.com will determine the utilisation of all keywords, Postcode and address, categories and other material used to describe or categorise a business listing for all purposes relating to the Directory.
  • Businesslistingnow.com may remove, revise or refuse to publish any Advertiser Material.
  • Businesslistingnow.com reserves the right to include or exclude entry to, or remove a business from, the site and the directory at any time, for any reason whatsoever and without any liability to businesslistingnow.com;
  • Recognition of advertising in other media channels:
  • Businesslistingnow.com may present advertisements of businesses that also advertise in other media channels in a different position and in a different format to that of other advertisements.
  • This variance in presentation is solely at the discretion of businesslistingnow.com and Advertisers may assume no right of entitlement to this based on their other advertising. businesslistingnow.com may choose to apply this variance in presentation to some advertisers but not to others and may alter the duration of any such variance in presentation at its discretion.
  • The Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that businesslistingnow.com may provide the Directory from time to time to other commercial enterprises including for publication on another website. businesslistingnow.com does not warrant that the Advertiser's listing in the Directory will be published or continue to be published on an internet site that is a distribution partner of businesslistingnow.com. The Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that:
  • The failure of an internet site to publish or continue to publish the Advertiser's listing or Advertiser Material in any form will not affect the parties' rights and obligations under this Contract;
  • Businesslistingnow.com is not liable to the Advertiser for any claim for loss or damage arising from the publication or non-publication of the Advertiser's listing or Advertiser Material on such internet sites; and
  • Businesslistingnow.com retains the right to change its distribution partners from time to time and gives no warranty that the Advertiser's listing or Advertiser Material will be distributed by any particular distribution partner for any particular period.

No Warranties

This website is provided without any express warranties or guarantees, unless specifically stated and, to the extent permitted by law, without any implied warranties or guarantees.

Linked Web Sites

This web site may contain links to other web sites. Those links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be maintained.Links to those web sites should not be construed as any endorsement, approval, recommendation or preference by us of the owners or operators of those web sites, or for any information, products or services referred to on those other web sites. Unless stated otherwise, we have:

  • no relationship with the owners or operators of those linked web sites; and
  • no control over or rights in those linked web sites.

User Licence to Business Listing Now

By placing or sending any information or other material to Business Listing Now (including posting comment, uploading files, inputting data or engaging in any other form of communication) you grant to Business Listing Now a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, irrevocable, unrestricted worldwide licence to do the following in respect of the information or material

  • use, copy, sublicence, redistribute, adapt, transmit, publish and/or broadcast, publicly perform or display; and
  • sublicence to any third parties the unrestricted right to exercise any of the foregoing rights granted.

The foregoing grant includes the right to exploit all proprietary rights in any such information or other material including but not limited to rights under copyright, trade mark or patent laws under any jurisdiction worldwide. You expressly waive in favour of Business Listing Now and any other party authorised by Business Listing Now all moral rights and any similar rights in any jurisdiction which you may have or hereafter acquire in respect of any relevant communication or other material.

Postcode and Suburb

We are trying that all listing are located under right postcode and suburb so people can find your products and services. Due to some reason If your listing postcode or suburb did not match with our regional system it will automatically updated postcode or suburb with best match we have in our regional system for your listing. If you have any enquiry and our system not up-to-date.
Please Contact Us.

 Newly added Businesses Feed

Medical IT Support Company Australia
Parramatta , Australia
Architectural Heritage
Leichhardt, Australia
Kitty and Miles
Bondi Junction, Australia
Custom Software Development, Website Design, Web Development, Application Development Australia
North Sydney, Australia
Kitty and Miles
Bondi Junction, Australia
Custom Software Development, Website Design, Web Development, Application Development Australia
North Sydney, Australia
Medical IT Support Company Australia
Parramatta , Australia
Architectural Heritage
Leichhardt, Australia


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